I’m Your Witchdoctor

Clapton–Page–Beck by Eric Clapton

I’m Your Witchdoctor track art
Album Rock Hard Rock Blues-Rock British Blues Contemporary Pop/Rock Regional Blues
Cleopatra's 1998 release Clapton Page Beck is a triple disc with each disc devoted to one of the three Yardbirds. But it doesn't contain the original hits from the band itself -- it rounds up odds and ends, usually live tracks but also some stray sessions. As this weighs in at 42 tracks, this is generous for a budget-line disc, but this is still a budget-line release designed to snare listeners into thinking they're going to get these guys at their prime, when it just consists of the scraps that the hardcore like to sift over. And those hardcore listeners may prefer to find these odds and ends in a better package than this -- although as these cheap things go, this is far from the worst. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine