The Best of Missing Persons

The Best of Missing Persons by Missing Persons

The Best of Missing Persons track art
Synth Pop New Wave Contemporary Pop/Rock Punk/New Wave Dance-Rock
`The Best of Missing Persons was the band's first retrospective, and unlike the later, single-oriented comps, it draws a broader picture of the Los Angeles new wave act's three albums and one EP. It includes the hit singles -- "Words," "Walking in L.A.," the classic "Destination Unknown" -- as well as a clutch of album cuts ranging from decent to tiresome. Dale Bozzio's nasally hiccup can get very grating, after all. Nevertheless, it was as much a part of Missing Persons' sound as were the prominent keyboards and bopping guitar lines, and all three elements are alive and well on Best of Missing Persons. Get out the sparkly eye shadow and interplanetary plastic brassieres. ~ Johnny Loftus